Metrology X-Plorer

As a full-service laboratory ACCULAB understands the need for immediate, accurate and reliable information regarding your Test & Measurement Equipment. To that end, we are pleased to introduce our “On-line” customer interface-able, calibration database.

Metrology X-Plorer

Met-X is a powerful, flexible, full-featured, web-based query tool that allows ACCULAB customers the ability to retrieve data in “Real Time,” via an Internet browser (MS Explorer, Netscape Navigator, etc.). Armed with a username and password, ACCULAB’s Met-X users are able to run, view, and print an assortment of reports including instrument status and calibration history. “Recall” reports [detailing when equipment was last calibrated and when it is due for its next calibration] and “Out of Tolerance” reports may be generated for any time period.

Fully compliant with CFR 11 (Electronic Records/Electronic Signatures), Metrology X-plorer also offers users the ability to view and print “Certificates of Calibration” directly from their browser!

In keeping with ACCULAB’s pledge of “continuous improvement,” this service feature is made available for the enhancement of your quality and compliance programs. And it is provided at no additional cost!

Get a demonstration user name and password.

For your convenience ACCULAB will configure this database to meet your needs. Additionally, “On-line” instrument lists may be saved in any spreadsheet format (e.g., MS Excel).

ACCULAB Measurement Standards Laboratory

Accredited to ISO 17025 for Competence, Capability & Quality!